Pain Relief
This grid consists of the following carefully selected crystals:
Ruby in Kyanite, Agate, Unakite and Clear Crystal.
With this powerful grid I can help you to improve your physical, mental or emotional state and allow your nerves to make new connections. Pain and / or physical discomfort can eventually be reduced as a result or possibly even disappear partly or completely.
The plate of the grids is made of Slate. The plate has a size of 20x20cm. The energetic range is between 10 and 20 m2.
Slate Grid
Slate is made under perfect harmony by heat, pressure and water (Fire, Earth and Water). It was widely used in ancient times to treat internal bruises. Slate contains a wide variety of minerals and crystals including quartz, hematite and pyrite. As a result, it was also widely used as a generic healing stone, especially when there was no apparent specific cause for a problem.
Ruby in Kyanite
Ruby in Kyanite is a combination stone with ruby crystals enclosed in a matrix of Kyanite.
Ruby works protective and gives spiritual strength, courage and energy. It helps to deal with pain. Physically, the stone also gives strength and vitality and helps against exhaustion and apathy.
Kyanite is a spiritual stone with a calming and balanced effect. The stone brings inner peace and helps to release the frustration of pain. Physically, Kyanite has a fever-reducing effect and has a positive effect on the nervous system, flexibility, muscles, muscle pain, muscle diseases and kidneys.
Agate has a grounding, stabilizing and protective effect. It helps with pain relief.
The stone has a calming effect, makes you feel safe and provides both mental and emotional peace and balance. It helps you accept yourself and helps you to have confidence in yourself. It stimulates concentration and analytical thinking. It helps you to distance yourself and look more objectively at yourself and situations. This provides overview and insight. It promotes systematic work and finding practical solutions. It helps to set goals for yourself and work towards this. As a result, the stone stimulates your personal development and growth.
Unakite is grounding, calming and insightful. It provides insight into the cause of problems and blockages so that blocking behavioral and thinking patterns can be interrupted and spiritual growth is possible. The stone absorbs electromagnetic radiation (for example from a mobile phone, computer or TV) when placed near a device. Physically, unakite stimulates the self-healing ability of the body and the physical recovery after an illness or injury. It has a positive effect on stamina, immune system and resistance.
Clear Crystal
Clear crystal has a powerful healing and cleansing effect. It can therefore support very well in all forms of healing, energetic therapy and spiritual work. The stone purifies the body and the chakras and balances the chakras. It protects your energy field against negative influences such as radiation from mobile phones and computers, negative energy from people around you, environmental pollution and water veins. Clear crystal is a stone with enormous healing power and ideally suited for healing and other energetic work. The stone regulates energy, absorbs energy, gives energy and stores energy according to what is needed in a certain situation. Because clear crystal is so neutral and pure, the stone can also enhance the effect of other stones. It protects the aura from radiation. Mentally clear crystal promotes concentration and clear thinking. It helps you to adopt a neutral and impartial attitude and to solve problems. The stone has a purifying, vitalizing, cooling (for example burns), analgesic, fever-reducing, stimulates the immune system and balances the body.
Clear Crystal (rods)
The raw clear crystal rods provide a conduction of energy between all crystals on a grid. Moreover, they enhance concentration and promote clear thinking, thereby relieving stress and overstimulation.
Other available grids
Visit my Energy Grids page for more information about other grids.